Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lab 10: Maple Line Farm

I waited on the dust road for the tour guide to appear, and after 15 minutes he finally arrived. I wanted to take pictures with my camera but I unfortunately left it in the dorm. Rich West, the tour guide, explained that the farm has been around for 105 years planting tobacco and vegetable until 25 years ago where it moved away from that business and into the dairy farming.

The registered Jersey cows are rich in butterfat which helps makes their products more creamy. The demand for their milk is so high that they must rent out land nearby to supply their demand. The farm not only produces milk in different flavors but they also make heavy cream, and 5% of their business is selling beef.

The 10 employees there must work through 125 acres of land and an extra 60 acres that they rented from neighboring land. Each day the cows are milked twice a day at 8am and then at 3pm. Those 4 1/2 year old cows are pleasant to be with, the calf I was playing with kept on sucking on my finger as if it was a teat.

I could not run back to my dorm to get my camera, but I did bring back a quart of milk. I saw this project online that I wanted to try, it's making a light tent. So the milk bottle will be my subject. I had to substitute the light bulb with a florescent one which gave the picture the orange tint. I made this project so that I could experiment with lighting. If I photoshop the picture I could get the colored tint to disappear but it would also wash out the current white that appears in the photo. The overexposure would make the text on the bottle hard to see. When I redo this photoshop I have to replace the bulb but I also have to alight the paper to better hide the brown box lining on the corner. I will also have to get the t-shirt to be fitted around the box so that there aren't any wrinkes/waves in the photo.

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